
Watch Music Video for "Brave"

And a little update...

I hope this short film…er, mini-music video I made with my cinematographer friend Brennan makes you smile. Perhaps it might even inspire to doing something brave today?

What does it mean to you to be brave? Shoot me email and let me know!

You may know I released “Brave” all over the world this last Friday. This means that anybody with an internet connection can stream or download my song—particularly on music services like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, YouTube, etc (just search “Marcus Royce Brave”).

Pretty cool, huh? Well, it IS COOL! I’m super proud of this song, and I think you’ll really like this song’s energetic, hope-filled message of fearlessness. I’m thrilled with the response it’s been getting already; words from someone passing in the hallway, or a comment left on a Facebook post…

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a simple word of encouragement. You never know what someone is going through.

But since most anybody can upload a song, it now becomes a marketing question: How do we get people to listen to the song? This is especially challenging for an independent artist like myself, without the backing of a label with marketing dollars and connections. The very best thing you can do to help is to find the song and listen to it and then comment and share it with others.

I’m posting a ton of videos and images on my social media channels—those pieces make great things to share, as well! (links below, as well as other ways you can show your support for the arts and your favorite artist!)

And looking ahead…we’ve got some really awesome things planned to share with you…including some longer-form videos that I’ve been putting my heart and soul into their creation. Stay tuned! And stay hopeful!

So how are you doing, Mark?

I get this question a lot…and I love it when people care. But it’s not an easy question to answer, especially if you’re a person like me who doesn’t want to flippantly answer with a “I’m doing great!” How would I answer if you were here right now? I’d say, “Hi there! How did you get into my apartment?” HA! Just kidding.

I’d say, “Well, I’m doing great…AND not so great. There is so much beauty in life, and I’m so happy to be experiencing that, even in the midst of grief and sadness at my dad’s passing. I’m tired and unmotivated for some things that I have been motivated about recently. I look forward to that changing. But I’m moving forward. I’m helping Mom a lot with all the stuff that you can imagine needs to be done, and I love that sweet time we get to have together. (I helped her “cut the cable” this week…and yet still have local channels and the ability to record her favorites with a little device called Tablo. We’ll see how that works!)

I’m behind on some of my TV shows, behind on my workouts, and wish I had more of a social life. At the same time I love quiet time alone. A spontaneous bike ride with a friend the other night led us to a cool new place where I dominated him at pinball. I was surprised by the beauty and joy of that whole experience.

Maybe this is what life is. I kind of think it is. It’s simple. And heavy. And we have moments where we can’t walk. And moments we feel like we can fly. And we dream and we worry if those dreams are too crazy. And we keep taking the next step. And then all the in-between moments where we wonder what to eat next, and if two naps in a day are okay. And then you eat a cookie that has the most amazing texture and suddenly you feel like life is perfect just the way it is.

Sending you love from here, until we meet again.

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